THE TOP 10: 150 Best Places to Live in the U.S. in 2022-2023 | U.S. News Best Places (
1. Huntsville, Alabama
2. Colorado Springs, Colorado
3. Green Bay, Wisconsin
4. Boulder, Colorado
5. San Jose, California
6. Raleigh and Durham, North Carolina
7. Fayetteville, Arkansas
8. Portland, Maine
9. Sarasota, Florida
10. San Francisco
These findings were based on several factors. For the specifics on Colorado Springs you can find them below.
Credit Living in Colorado Springs, CO | U.S. News Best Places (
"What’s it like to live in Colorado Springs, CO?
Pikes Peak, inspiration for the song “America the Beautiful,” is the backdrop for Colorado Springs. Here, you’ll find a city that blends colorful nature with rugged history and metropolitan spoils.
Its parts are distinctive: the booming suburbs in the north and east; the bustling yet easily navigated downtown; the elegant, rustic south side defined by Cheyenne Cañon and the century-old Broadmoor hotel; and the west side, occupied by eateries and shops in what was the old Victorian center of the 1890s gold rush. Despite the sprawl, people regularly stop to say hello to someone they know at their neighborhood brewery or grocery store. That's the small-town scene the city aims to preserve.
See all the best places to live in Colorado."
Living in Colorado Springs, CO | U.S. News Best Places (
Photo: Getty Images