Someone dug through Google Trends data to figure out which casseroles are popular in each state . . . and casseroles with GREENS are #1 in 17 states. Those include various green bean and broccoli casserole recipes.

Potato casseroles are the most popular in 11 states . . . corn casseroles are #1 in eight states . . . and six states pack their casseroles with squash and other veggies.

Nine states had more unique casseroles. Pennsylvania and Maryland prefer "leftover casserole." It's unclear if that's a normal casserole that just tastes better the next day . . . or a casserole made AFTER Thanksgiving from the leftovers.

Connecticut loves "breakfast casserole" . . . Nebraska makes "mac and cheese casserole" . . . Virginia likes "French toast casserole" . . . and North Carolina is big on "pineapple casserole," which is a Southern thing. 

In addition to casseroles, a lot of people are Googling: The WEATHER for Thanksgiving . . . what restaurants are open on Thanksgiving . . . and festive Thanksgiving drinks, like sangria and apple cider. 

(Google Trends)

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