Am I tired of the snow? SURE -
Saturday afternoon in Southern Colorado was a PERFECT and I mean PERFECT day. 69 Degrees and not a cloud in the brilliant blue sky. Snowcapped mountains casting a long shadow gave insight to the blizzard past. It was a damned fine afternoon.
Cut to 24 hours later we are getting some snow showers. Nothing crazy, a typical March snow storm in what is usually our busiest month for the white stuff. No biggie.
12 Hours later I stumble out of my one man estate to a nightmare. Snow of considerable depth, not sure because the light drizzle of rain made sure to pack it with more moisture, but a foot plus is no exaggeration. What is the Monday hell is this I said to myself.
Digging out my truck I gave several swears a go and eventually headed out to be less than moderately famous on the KBPI South morning show. It about ruined my day.
But once safely to the iHeart studios I chilled out in the chill of it all. Thinking to my past and said, this in all, is good. Good for everyone.
What is often forgotten in Colorado, is this beautiful state is not DENVER, it is not Colorado Springs. This state is vast, and filled with agriculture, ranching, farming and communities spread across two ranges. From Peaches in Palisade to Melons in Rocky Ford, COLORADO is not just a city scape filled with busy bodies, but rather a good mix of it all.
And in remembering that I also remember bucking hay, loading trucks with pigs and opening up irrigation.
In Colorado we say “We need the moisture”.
We DO-
Wildfires burn this state every summer and somehow every summer we are shocked by this routine systematic series of events.
Every year we hear of crops not coming in for an extended season, hay with limited cuts, grazing livestock not being quite as plump as they “once were”.
Yes the Snow was a pain in the ass- But DAMNIT COLORADO is NOT just DENVER- it’s bigger than that.